How to Reduce IT Support Tickets with AI-powered Service Desk

Discover how AI can enhance your IT support. Learn how integrating AI IT helpdesk solutions with automated ticketing systems can optimize support, cut costs, and improve employee satisfaction.

Current Challenges for IT Support Teams

IT support teams face ongoing challenges due to outdated ticketing systems and inefficient processes. Many employees find these platforms difficult to use and instead send the same requests through informal channels like private chats or emails. This bypasses the formal system, making it hard to maintain an organized knowledge base. As a result, solutions to common issues, such as forgotten passwords or software installations, are not reused and have to be manually addressed each time.

This constant repetition clogs up the support queue, leaving teams overwhelmed with routine requests and unable to focus on more complex and urgent problems. The lack of a central knowledge repository also means valuable solutions are often lost or scattered, further complicating the workflow. By adopting an AI-powered support solution, companies can automate responses to frequent queries, streamline information management, and ensure that previously resolved issues are easily accessible. This not only reduces costs but also improves the overall efficiency and satisfaction of both support teams and employees.

How Repetitive Requests Burden IT Support

Let’s consider a straightforward example to illustrate what happens in many organizations today and the resulting impact on key performance indicators.

Consider a common scenario: an employee cannot connect to the company VPN. There might be a guide or a previously resolved ticket with the answer, but often the solution is buried in an email or private chat. Instead of consulting these resources, employees typically open a ticket or send a message to a colleague, seeking immediate help.

If this issue arises 10 times a day, that’s an average of 20 minutes wasted per inquiry, 5 minutes for the employee to request help and 15 minutes for the agent to answer. Over the course of a day, the result is over 3 hours spent on repetitive tasks that could be better utilized elsewhere. Over a full work week, this wasted time amounts to nearly 17 hours, showing the significant impact these small inefficiencies have on overall productivity.

Repetitive requests may seem a minor issue but create chaos and stress for IT support agents and teams. When staff is interrupted by routine requests, they are pulled away from important tasks like system updates, security improvements, and resolving complex issues. Over time, this endless cycle of low-priority problems not only slows down productivity but also leads to frustration and burnout.

The Potential of AI for the IT Support

AI has the ability to transform how IT support teams operate, making their processes more efficient and responsive. When the right documentation or previously resolved tickets are available, large language models (LLMs) can quickly generate answers to frequently asked questions. This means that common issues, like password resets or software installation instructions, can be resolved almost instantly, reducing the need for employees to wait for human assistance.

Moreover, AI agents can automate routine IT support workflows. For example, they can handle tasks such as granting access to resources or managing user permissions. This automation frees up IT staff to focus on more complex issues that require human intervention, ultimately improving the overall efficiency of the support team.

In contrast to older, rule-based chatbots that rely on pre-set responses and often require complicated setups, AI-based chatbots learn from interactions and adapt over time. They can autonomously use available resources as guidelines, drawing on a comprehensive knowledge base to provide accurate answers without the constant need for updates or maintenance. This adaptability makes AI chatbots a more sustainable solution for ongoing support needs.

By implementing AI in IT support, organizations can streamline their processes, reduce response times, and improve the overall experience for both employees and support teams. This shift not only enhances operational efficiency but also leads to higher satisfaction among users who receive timely and accurate assistance.

What should an AI-Powered Service Desk look like?

An AI-powered service desk is designed to enhance efficiency and streamline support operations, allowing teams to focus on more complex issues while quickly resolving routine requests.

  1. Automated Responses
    At the core of this system is an automated ticketing mechanism that addresses common inquiries swiftly. With well-organized documentation and an up-to-date knowledge base, AI agents—commonly referred to as chatbots—can provide instant answers to frequently asked questions. These AI agents engage employees in a conversational way, efficiently resolving issues such as forgotten passwords or software installation requests. By leveraging the company's knowledge base, the AI reduces the burden on support teams, enabling employees to receive timely assistance without unnecessary delays.
  2. Automated Ticket Generation & Routing
    In addition to providing quick responses, an effective AI service desk automates ticket management. When employees submit requests, the AI categorizes these tickets based on urgency and directs them to the appropriate team or agent. For instance, software-related inquiries might be routed to the software support team, while network issues are sent to IT specialists. This intelligent routing ensures that tickets are addressed promptly and accurately, significantly improving the First-Time Fix Rate (FTFR). By streamlining the entire process, the service desk not only operates more efficiently but also enhances employee satisfaction and reduces operational costs.
    In essence, an AI-powered service desk transforms traditional support operations, making them more responsive and allowing human agents to dedicate their time to higher-priority tasks. This combination of automation and intelligent routing creates a more effective support environment, benefiting both employees and the organization as a whole.

The Available Solutions & Their Limits

In the IT support landscape, new solutions like startups and chatbots without human oversight are gaining attention, while older ticketing systems often go underused because they don’t align well with user needs. Many of these systems either lack necessary human involvement or are too difficult for users to access, resulting in underutilization and lost operational knowledge. Even when older ticketing platforms add AI features, they struggle to deliver a good user experience due to outdated software that doesn’t fully integrate AI capabilities. Additionally, these systems are often complex, hard to set up, use, and maintain, sometimes requiring a dedicated team just to manage them.

Here’s some currently solutions available on the market:


  • Focus: Conversations and information retrieval.
  • Capabilities: Answer FAQs, provide customer support, and collect data.
  • Decision-making: Limited to responses.

Chatbots can help reduce the volume of support tickets, but they often struggle to find the right sources or manage more complicated requests. For instance, they might not track details during conversations, leading to incorrect answers, especially for detailed queries. When faced with vague requests, chatbots might give general responses that don’t fully resolve the issue, frustrating users who may then resort to informal channels.


  • Focus: Collaboration and assistance in specific tasks.
  • Capabilities: Generate content suggestions, translate languages, answer complex questions, and offer feedback.
  • Decision-making: Suggestive, providing options and insights but not making final decisions.

While Copilot can assist with specific tasks, it also requires human intervention to validate its suggestions and ensure accuracy, particularly in critical situations.


  • Focus: Autonomous learning and action.
  • Capabilities: Make decisions, perform tasks, adapt to situations, and interact with the environment.
  • Decision-making: Independent, based on learned data and algorithms.

Agents can operate autonomously but still need human oversight to guide them on nuanced topics and ensure they’re applying learned information correctly.

All three of these solutions have the potential to transform the way we work, but without human supervision, they may not reach their full potential in delivering effective support.

The Need for Human Supervision over AI-Powered Service Desk solutions

AI-powered service desks have the potential to transform support operations, but those lacking human-in-the-loop (HITL) integration face significant challenges. A study by Oracle highlights several critical issues that arise without this oversight.

One major problem is the risk of inaccurate responses. AI can misinterpret user queries without human context, leading to irrelevant or incorrect answers, which frustrates users and erodes their trust. Additionally, AI relies heavily on historical data, and if this information is outdated or incomplete, it can offer solutions that are no longer applicable, leaving users with unresolved issues.

AI also struggles to understand context, which is crucial for addressing vague inquiries. This lack of nuance can result in unsatisfactory support. Moreover, AI cannot recognize emotional cues, missing opportunities to engage empathetically with users expressing frustration or urgency.

Another significant challenge is the fragmented knowledge base. Without human input, AI systems may fail to effectively integrate new information or lessons learned, leading to a disorganized repository of knowledge. This can result in repetitive inquiries and wasted resources, as users repeatedly ask the same questions.

Finally, poor AI performance can actually increase the volume of support tickets. When users find AI inadequate, they may escalate issues to human agents, ultimately overwhelming the support team.

In summary, while AI can enhance IT support, its effectiveness is greatly reduced without human supervision. A hybrid approach that combines AI capabilities with human expertise is essential for providing high-quality support that meets user needs and builds trust. As emphasized in the Oracle study, integrating human insights allows AI systems to learn and adapt, ensuring a more effective service desk.

The Benefits of Human-In-The-Loop (HITL) AI

Human-In-The-Loop (HITL) AI is essential for creating a more effective and reliable service desk. By incorporating human oversight into AI processes, organizations can significantly enhance the quality of support and ensure that AI systems evolve in meaningful ways.

One key advantage of HITL is its ability to address poorly written or vague requests. Often, users submit queries that lack clarity or detail, which can lead to misunderstandings when processed by AI. Human agents can step in to interpret these requests correctly, ensuring that users receive accurate and relevant responses. This not only improves user satisfaction but also reduces the number of repeat inquiries.

Moreover, HITL helps strengthen the knowledge base over time. When human agents interact with AI, they can provide valuable insights and feedback that refine the AI's understanding of common issues and solutions. This collaboration creates a more robust knowledge repository, enabling the AI to deliver better answers in the future and minimizing the reliance on human support for repetitive queries.

In the long term, HITL offers strategic advantages by allowing organizations to monitor AI agents as they automate workflows. With human supervision, businesses can ensure that AI systems operate within desired parameters, making informed decisions about when to intervene and when to let the AI handle tasks autonomously. This oversight fosters a culture of continuous improvement, as humans can analyze AI performance, identify areas for enhancement, and adjust processes accordingly.

Why SylloTips is Go-To Solution for your IT Service Desk

SylloTips stands out as a leading choice for IT service desks, uniquely blending AI capabilities with human expertise. This startup focuses on corporate knowledge transfer, offering a semi-automated help desk platform designed to meet the needs of diverse industries.

What sets SylloTips apart is its Human-In-The-Loop (HITL) approach. This method ensures that the AI’s knowledge base is continually updated with insights from each resolved support ticket, leading to a system that improves over time. By integrating both documented information and tacit knowledge, SylloTips enhances IT service desk support.

SylloTips is built to work smoothly with Microsoft Teams, making it simple for users to access and use. Its user-friendly interface encourages adoption, reducing the reliance on informal communication channels. This ease of use, combined with HITL, provides a more efficient solution compared to traditional legacy service desk systems.

Furthermore, SylloTips is cost-effective. By streamlining support processes and minimizing the need for extensive resources, it offers a more affordable alternative while addressing challenges like the complexity of ticketing systems, the prevalence of repetitive requests, and the difficulty in maintaining an organized knowledge base. With SylloTips, you gain a solution that evolves alongside your team's needs, ensuring you remain responsive and effective in overcoming these issues.

The Measurable Benefits of SylloTips on your IT Service Desk KPIs

Implementing SylloTips can significantly improve key IT service desk metrics by changing how support teams manage their workflows. Here’s a detailed look at how the system impacts essential KPIs:

1. First Contact Resolution (FCR) Rate

Agents struggle with repetitive queries like password resets and basic troubleshooting, lowering the FCR rate. These routine issues often need multiple interactions to be fully resolved.

With SylloTips: SylloTips automates responses to frequent problems using a constantly updated knowledge base. This means more issues are resolved on the first contact, boosting the first contact resolution rate and freeing up agents for more complex tasks.

2. Average Resolution Time (ART)

Support tickets are often delayed due to inefficient knowledge retrieval and manual ticket handling. The ART for simple issues can stretch from minutes to hours, impacting productivity.

With SylloTips: By providing instant, accurate responses to common questions, SylloTips reduces the ART significantly. Automated ticket categorization and routing also streamline more complex cases, ensuring faster resolutions across the board.

3. Cost per Ticket

High volumes of repetitive tickets drive up the cost per ticket, as agents spend time on low-priority tasks instead of focusing on high-value issues. Additional staff may be needed to handle the workload, further increasing costs.

With SylloTips: Automating common queries with SylloTips reduces the need for agent intervention in routine cases, lowering the overall cost per ticket. The result is a more cost-effective support operation, with resources allocated to critical areas.

4. End User Satisfaction (EUS) Score

Slow responses and repeated interactions for simple issues frustrate users, leading to lower EUS scores. Informal channels like private chats and emails bypass the service desk, causing inconsistent support experiences.

After: With SylloTips’ integration into Microsoft Teams, employees receive faster and more reliable support. Automated responses and efficient routing lead to higher end user satisfaction scores, as users get their problems solved quickly and consistently.

5. Ticket Backlog

Before: A high volume of low-priority tickets clogs the system, creating a backlog that delays responses to more urgent and complex issues. This backlog can lead to missed SLAs and impact overall service quality.

After: By handling routine queries automatically, SylloTips reduces the number of tickets entering the system. This clears the backlog, allowing agents to focus on high-priority tickets and maintain service level agreements (SLAs).

6. Agent Utilization Rate

Before: Agents spend a large portion of their time on repetitive, low-skill tasks, resulting in underutilization of their expertise. This inefficient use of resources can lead to agent dissatisfaction and turnover.

After: With SylloTips managing repetitive queries, agents can concentrate on more challenging and rewarding tasks. This optimizes agent utilization, improves job satisfaction, and reduces turnover rates.

7. Ticket Reopen Rate

SylloTips reduces the ticket reopen rate by improving the accuracy and quality of initial resolutions. The AI chatbot provides well-researched answers, and if the issue is not resolved, it’s escalated to a human expert who ensures a comprehensive solution. This approach not only prevents incomplete resolutions but also continually refines the knowledge base, allowing future similar issues to be resolved more effectively.

8. Mean Time to Acknowledge (MTTA)

SylloTips integrates seamlessly with MS Teams, allowing support agents to receive and acknowledge new service requests immediately within their existing workflow.

Ready to Transform Your IT Support?

See how our AI-powered platform can elevate IT support for leading companies or experience firsthand how SylloTips can streamline your IT support operations and boost productivity.